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Locally Pages™ Overview

Locally Pages™ is a powerful tool and can be used instead of costly e-commerce services or in addition to your existing e-commerce.

Once your inventory feed is live on Locally, you can embed this feed onto your own website to broadcast the products you carry to visitors on your own website. This is called Locally Pages™.

Locally Pages™ runs itself because:

  • Locally works with our partner brands to support the catalogs so you don't need to clip a single image or product description.

  • Every time we receive an updated inventory file from you via your inventory feed, we update your inventory (across the Locally platform, which includes Locally Pages™) accordingly, so it's automatically kept perpetually up to date.

  • You must accept at least one transaction type via Buy It Locally to install Locally Pages

To install Locally Pages, you must enroll to accept Buy It Locally transactions. With Buy It Locally, shoppers can place orders for pick up or purchase directly from your site. Locally Pages installs in minutes, and is totally free for products from our partner brands. Why? This is part of a brand's subscription: providing their retailers with a highly robust way to market their in-stock products to their community.

   Learn more with examples here. Learn how to install here.

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