Locally Pages™ Installation

Installing Locally Pages on your own website is as easy as copy/pasting a snippet of code into your site, like dropping in a YouTube video. And, it's easy to customize the display to show inventory by brand, or by category, or by location. 

Locally Pages is free for any retailer who is enrolled in Buy It Locally. If you aren't yet accepting transactions, head to Step 4: Accept Transactions for Store Pickup with "Buy It Locally" and complete the signup process before installing Locally Pages.

All Inventory - Single Location

It's easy to add your entire inventory presentation onto a single page on your website.

Load your Locally subdomain- yourstore.locally.com- and under the "What's in Stock at [Your Store]" category grid, click the grey "Browse Stock" button.

This loads a product grid with all items in stock at your store. Click the "</>" button on the lower left corner, and copy and paste the code that pops up.

Drop this code into a page on your website, and your Locally inventory presentation should immediately render. Here's how it looks on Bighorn Outdoor Specialists' website:

All Inventory - Multiple Locations, broken out by location

If you have multiple locations and want to show each location's inventory on it's own page of your website, this is the method for you.

Start by loading your Locally subdomain - pacificoutfitters.locally.com - and select the specific location you'd like to embed by clicking "locations" and then selecting that store's tile. This will load a page with a url along the lines of yourstore.locally.com/store/XXXXX. This means you're on the right track.

Under the "What's in Stock at [Your Store]" category grid, click the grey "Browse Stock" button.

In the resulting product grid, you should see that store as a filter option. Hit the "</>" button on the bottom left and copy/paste the embed code.

Drop this code into the designated page for that location on your website, and you'll be live! For example, if you load https://pacificoutfitters.com/ukiah, you'll see the inventory for their Ukiah location:

All Inventory - Multiple Locations All At Once

If you have multiple locations, you can add all inventory into a single page of your site, and the product page will show which of your locations have the item the shopper is looking at.

For example, load https://lennyshoe.com/pages/pick-up-in-store. If you select a product that is in-stock at more than one of their three locations, the product page will show the available options.

To do this, load your Locally subdomain- storename.locally.com and select the grey "Browse Stock" button. This will load a page with a url similar to storename.locally.com/store/XXXXX. Click the "X" by the store name under "Active Filters" so that you get a link that looks like https://storename.locally.com/search/all/activities/depts?sort=all

In the resulting product grid, you should see "All Store Name" as the filter. Hit the "</>" button on the bottom left and copy/paste the embed code.

When a user selects a product that is in-stock at multiple locations, the PDP will show the different locations it is available:

Customize your display by brand, category, or more

It's really simple to customize how you install Locally Pages to have dedicated pages for specific brands, categories, or even specific products.

Here's all you need to know. Start at your Locally subdomain- yourstore.locally.com- and click the grey "Browse Stock" under your category grid options. Any filtered view you create here can be embedded into your own site by selecting the filters and then hitting the "</>" embed button. The code that is generated will automatically absorb the filtered view you've selected.

Embed by Brand

If you're an outdoor shop and want to embed your NEMO products onto a unique page, you could do what Roam'n Around does.

Load your product grid and select "NEMO" as a filter option. Hit the "</>" button on the bottom left, and the code that pops up will be for all of your NEMO products.

Then, Roam'n Around created a landing page on their site and embedded their NEMO code:

Try it out! Load roamnaround.com and click "Shop Locally by Brand" via the top nav. Hit the NEMO logo and see their in-stock NEMO selection.

Embed by Category

Want to let shoppers browse your inventory by category? No problem.

For example, load https://www.roamnaround.com/shopbydepartment.html and see how you can browse their inventory by category.

To do this, load your store's locally subdomain- for ex. [yourcompany].locally.com- and select "Shop all Brands".

Apply the desired filter you want to use and hit the "</>" embed this button on the bottom left:

Roam'n Around dropped this into a page on their own website to show all of their in-stock camping & hiking gear:

If you use Facebook, you can install this experience on Facebook by following these instructions.

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