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Store Reviews

Locally has partnered with Power Reviews to collect and display both product and store reviews throughout the platform.

Product Review Collection

  1. On Locally-powered product pages, users see previous reviews and have the option to contribute their own reviews.
  2. When a shopper makes any type of transaction on the Locally platform, they will be contacted and asked to contribute a review.
  3. We also syndicate reviews from our brand partners' sites. This means that reviews that are posted on one of our brand client's sites will appear on Locally-powered sites and tools within a few days.

Store Review Collection

  1. On Locally-powered retailer pages, users see previous reviews and have the option to contribute their own reviews for that merchant.
  2. On Locally-powered tools (such as store locators), users see a clickable star rating and have the option to click to a retailer page and contribute their own reviews for that merchant.
  3. When a shopper makes any type of transaction on the Locally platform, they will be contacted and asked to contribute a review about their experience with the retailer.

Review Moderation

  1. When reviews are submitted, they are initially queued for moderation by Power Reviews' automated system.
  2. If a review is flagged for language or content, it is then reviewed by Power Reviews' staff.
  3. To make Locally aware of a fraudulent review, please open a ticket with us here. We will open an investigation to determine whether the review was contributed by an actual customer as well as any other objections raised by the retailer.

Contributing Factors

  1. Was the customer who contributed the review in the city of the store that they wrote a review about?
  2. Did the review come from a transaction solicitation or anonymously?
  3. Are there any glaring errors in the review that would cause it to seem suspect?
  4. Is there an overly-positive or overly-negative review pattern?

Positive and negative reviews help shoppers make local purchasing decisions. We take great pride in presenting shoppers with the maximum amount of unfiltered information that we can. We will always strongly resist making any moderation choices except in the circumstance of clearly wrong information.

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