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Using "Relationship Manager" to Request Authorizations from Brands

On Locally, every brand manages an "authorized dealer list" which dictates which stores show up on their site. With "Relationship Manager," you can review your current authorizations and request authorization from brands that are missing your store(s) to ensure your store(s) are appearing correctly across all Locally partner brand sites.

Note that Marketplace Catalogs will automatically show up if you upload those UPCs. There are no authorizations for those.

Viewing your Authorizations

Login to your Locally dashboard and head to Brand Relationships > Relationship Manager. First, you'll see all of your current authorizations, and if you have multiple locations, you can switch between each store through the grey dropdown at the top.

You also have the option to remove yourself from brand lists if you remain on a list for a brand whose products you no longer sell by clicking "Remove & Block." 

Requesting New Authorizations

If you aren't yet approved to use Relationship Manager, request access by clicking the link at the top of the screen. Locally needs to confirm you claimed the right account before letting you request authorizations from brands. This process can take up to one business week. You will receive an email when your account is approved. 

Helpful tip! Want to make this even easier and ensure you don't miss any brands?

Us too! Set up your Locally live inventory feed first. This is not required, but with an inventory feed connected to Locally, our system automatically detects missing brand authorizations and suggests them to stores in a distilled "Suggested Brands" list. 

Inventory feed or not, head to your Relationship Manager panel and compare your current authorizations to Locally's Brand Partners. If there is a brand you are missing, enter that brand name in "Request Authorization For:" field and submit your request. You have the option to include a message that may help the brand better understand the request.

Your request gets sent to specific contacts at each brand who are expected to approve or deny your request within one business week. You will receive an email each time a request is approved or denied. You can always login and see all of your pending requests on your Pending Requests panel

Special Note! Have you been waiting for a response?

If a brand is taking a while to approve you or denied you for a reason you disagreed with, you must contact the brand directly for further inquiry. Locally does not intervene in authorization decisions made by brands.

New Store Openings

If you are opening a new store and are requesting authorization for that new location, you must follow one of these two instructions: 

  1. Request authorizations after the store opens, so that you are not asking brands to display a store that shoppers cannot go to yet. 
  2. To request authorization before the store opens, you must include the opening date in the Store Name (managed at My Store > Locations). Example: "Bob's Outdoors - Opens November 15" 

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