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Accept Ship To Store transactions with Locally

Locally's "Ship To Store" feature enables retailers to accept orders from shoppers for products they don't have in stock, but are available at participating brand warehouses. 

Setup Instructions

Step 1: Claim your account

Step 2: Accept your "Ship To Store Support" permission 

  • Once you are logged in, you need to accept the "Ship to Store Support" permission for the brand(s) who have invited you to participate

  • In your Locally dashboard, go to Relationship Requests. Under "Pending Requests" you should see the request. Click Approve. 


If you do not see a pending Ship to Store request that you had expected to see, you may have claimed your account (Step 1) incorrectly. Email [email protected] for help.

Step 3: Add store hours to your store profile 

  • Here are detailed instructions!

  • Enter your store hours so Locally knows when to send you order notifications. This way, you'll receive notifications for orders placed after business hours when you open the next day. 

  • Add Store Hours by finding your store(s). Click your store(s) and click the "Hours" tab. Enter your hours and hit save.

Step 4: Add recipient(s) to receive order notifications

  • To receive notifications about orders, add at least one recipient per store to receive order notifications via email (and/or text message)

  • Do this by loading your Buy It Locally Setup screen at and jump to Step 2: Notification Schedule.
  • Add at least one recipient per store. Email is required, text is optional. By default we send notifications to any recipients during the Store Hours you entered in Step 3. You only need to use the "scheduler" function if you want multiple staff to receive notices on different days - most stores do not need this.

Step 5 (Europe & Australia only): Add your VAT Registration #

You will receive the VAT amount on the order as a part of your payout on Ship to Store orders, and you are expected to remit this to the tax authorities yourself. To accept Ship to Store orders, you must add your VAT Registration # in Step 5 of the Buy It Locally setup, so we can present this on Shopper receipts: 


Step 6: Connect a Stripe account and/or W9 to receive payouts

US retailers will need to upload a W9 to receive payouts. Learn how to upload a W9 below, or follow this link. Outside of the US, Locally uses Stripe to payout your Ship to Store proceeds directly to your bank account. If you receive a payout for an order and then initiate a refund, leading to a negative balance, Locally will use Stripe to debit your account as well. 

Load Step 6 of the Buy It Locally Setup and Configuration to create and connect a Stripe account.

Step 7: Contact Locally to go-live

  • Email [email protected] or open a ticket here with the subject line "Ship To Store Activation for [NAME OF COMPANY]"

  • We will review your setup to confirm completion and enable you

How Ship To Store works

How to view orders

  • When an order is placed, the brand will first confirm fulfillment on their side. When this happens, the recipient(s) you entered in Step 4 above will receive an order alert. You will then receive additional alerts via email as they process and ship the product. The order screen accessible via the emails or your Order History dashboard will also show you where it is in the process.

  • In rare cases, the brand may be unable to fulfill the order. In this case, the order is cancelled and no further action is needed. You will be notified by email if this occurs.  

How to mark an order as Ready for Pickup

When the product arrives, it is the store's responsibility to notify the shopper when the product is ready for pickup.  

Load the order screen and click "Update Ship to Store Status:" 

Select "Ready for Pickup" and hit save: 

  • You can use Locally's "messaging" feature on the order screen to communicate when the shopper regarding pickup instructions
  • Ship to Store orders are pre-paid. The shopper does not need to pay for anything in their Locally order when they arrive.  

How to mark an order as Picked Up

Once the shopper has picked up their purchase, please close out the order by updating the status to "Picked Up." This is a required step to be paid out for the order!

Load the order screen and click "Update Ship to Store Status:" 

Select "Picked Up" and hit save: 

How to get paid

  • Retailers who fulfill Ship To Store orders receive a revenue-share. This amount is defined by the brand. 

  • On your Order Screen for each order, the "Retailer Disbursement" section lists for your expected payout. Note that for retailers outside of the United States the disbursement amount displayed is "estimated"; the payout may differ slightly due to conversion rates and fees. 

  • In the US, Locally remits proceeds to retailers in the US monthly via paper check, on or near the 30th of the month following the order date.

  • In Europe & Australia, Locally may remit proceeds to retailers for certain brands twice a month via Stripe, on the first and third Friday of each month. 

  • Only orders that you've marked as "Picked Up" in the previous billing period are paid out.

  • If you issued any refunds on products that had been shipped to your store, the cost of that item is debited to your statement and accounted for against any credits you are due (see "how do returns and refunds work?" in the FAQ section below)  

  • You can view your Billing Statements here:
  • To get paid, we need two things:
    • US ONLY: Fill out your remittance information. Go to and complete the page. Uploading the W-9 is required for stores in the US, please do not skip this step! 
    • Connect your Stripe account. A Stripe account is required to receive Ship to Store payouts as of May 2023. Follow Step 6 above.

Please contact [email protected] with any billing questions. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do returns and refunds work? 

If a shopper requests a refund before the product is shipped out from the brand, the order simply ends there and no-one receives any payout for the order. 

Once a product is shipped from the brand to your store, you are responsible for initiating a refund from your Locally order screen and taking the product into your own inventory. When you issue the refund, your revenue credit from that order is reversed, and since you are taking the product into your own inventory, a debit for the wholesale cost of the item is applied to your statement. This is charged monthly against any credits you are due. If your balance is negative (for example, if we paid you out for an order that you then refunded) we will charge you for the balance by either charging your credit card on file or debiting your bank account through Stripe.

How do I accept Ship To Store orders for more brands?

To offer Ship To Store, you must work with a brand who is offering Ship to Store through Locally. Please reach out to brands you feel would be interested and encourage them to participate! 

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