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Managing your Locally.com account

Claiming Your Account

Get started by claiming your brand's Locally.com account here.

Start typing in your company's name in the Company Name field, select it in the drop-down, and proceed through the signup process. In certain cases, you will automatically receive access to the account. In others, Locally may manually review your account claim request to ensure you do indeed work with the brand you are claiming. You will receive an email confirming your email address and locally.com account.

Logging Into Your Account

To log in, head to https://www.locally.com/station/login and sign in.

Once you've signed in, you'll be taken directly to your Locally dashboard. To navigate to the dashboard from the Locally.com home page, simply select the account icon at the top of the page, then "Admin Menu" from the side panel as shown below.

Adding Users

You can provide as many users access to your locally.com account as you'd like.

Option 1: Have New Users Request Access

Direct your additional users to https://www.locally.com/?show_dashboard=new/brand

Start typing in your company's name in the Company Name field, select it in the drop-down, and proceed through the signup process.

This will not automatically approve your account! The account admin (which is by default the first person who claimed the locally.com account for your brand) will receive an email with a button to approve the  request. Once approved, you will be notified you can now log in and access the account.

Option 2: Invite New Users

In your Locally account, navigate to Administrative > Company Users to load your company's User Directory. At the top right, click the "Invite" button. 

When inviting a new user, you have the option to assign specific roles and permissions. More on that below. Once the form is filled out, submit your invitation. The user will receive an email with a link to set a password and login. 

Assigning Special Roles and Various Permissions

You can provide specific users with varying levels of access to your account. Here's how it works. 

Special Roles

A role is a specific responsibility or a general privilege. A user can have more than one role. Here are the types of roles:

  • Company Administrator: a user with this role can create and manage other user accounts. Assign this role to anyone who should have complete access to your account and be able to invite and manage other user's account access.
    • If you are a company administrator but also want to receive inventory alerts or dealer list notifications, assign those roles to yourself. 
  • Dealer List Contact: A user with this role will receive notifications when a retailer requests to be authorized for your brand via Locally's Relationship Manager feature.
  • Inventory Alert Contact: a user with this role will receive "stale feed alerts" if your brand has its own stores that are contributing a Locally inventory feed. These alerts detect and notify brands of potential feed interruptions.
  • Billing Contact: if your brand is offering Buy It Locally transactions or any of Locally's add-on services for your brand stores (Like Google "See What's In Store" and more), the billing contact will receive the monthly invoices and any billing related email. Note that most Brand SaaS subscriptions are billed outside of your Locally dashboard, so this only applies to "Locally dashboard" features like Buy It Locally. If no Billing Contact is set, the Company Administrator will receive billing-related emails.  


You can restrict a user's access level by country. By assigning a given user to a specific country or set of countries, the following occurs:

  • That user will only be able to manage your dealer list for that specific country - stores in other countries will be hidden
  • If that user is a Dealer List Contact, they will only receive dealer list notifications from retailers for that specific country. 


This is for brands that have their own retail stores. By assigning a given user to a specific store or set of stores, you can limit their login so that they can only edit and manage that store(s).


Services are the specific sections in your account that a user is allowed to access. If you choose one or more, then the user will only be allowed to access those panels. For example: you might want a store manager to be able to manage their own store's profile and events, but not access settings that power your website's tools. This can be configured here. 

Revoking User Access

You can revoke an existing user's access to the account from the company's User Directory using the following instructions. Anyone with the Company Account Owner or Company Administrator roles can revoke access. 

  • Click on the user that you'd like to block. 
  • Check the "Access is revoked indefinitely" box. You can un-revoke someone in the future if needed by unchecking the box. 

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