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Adding Category Visualizations

We are happy to add category visualizations for you! If you'd like to add them yourself, here's how.

Adding a Banner

Go to Tools & Maps > Store Categories

Click on the tool icon for the category that needs the banner. Go to the Options tab.

Add your label background color. It must have a # before the 6-digit hex color.

Check "Is Enhanced". This makes the banner appear.

Save and check your Store Locator right away to make sure it is set up correctly.

Adding Biasing

Go to Tools & Maps > Store Categories

Click on the tool icon for the category that needs biasing. Go to the options tab.

Checking "Biased?" will make dealers tagged with this tag show at the top of a search for about 40 miles.

For more information on dealer biasing, check out this article.

Adding Special Pins

Go to Tools & Maps > Store Categories

Click on the tool icon for the category that needs special pins. Go to the images tab.

All four images must be exactly the same in dimension. The images need to be .png with a transparent background.
Use the same image for the middle two pins ("Has Brand Stock" and "Has Item In Stock"). These pins will show for the dealers with stock. For special pins, you may opt to have the top three be the same. The last image is a rollover image. We suggest a grayed out version of your pin.
You must enter numbers for all 3 fields below.
Marker Image Dimensions is the exact pin dimension (or adjusted proportionally). For example, if you use a 75x103 pin you could make it slightly bigger in proportion by entering 100x137.
For Marker Image Anchor Point we recommend 19x45.
For Info Window Anchor Point we recommend -5x-10.
Note the x must be a lower case x.

Save and check your Store Locator right away to make sure it is set up correctly.

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