We do not have an automated connection with Acomba yet, but you can manually share your Acomba inventory with us by following the instructions below.
- Ensure that you are using vendor UPC/EAN codes in Acomba. You can download all of Locally's supported vendor catalogs in your Locally account here.
- Open the Inventory Reporting section of your Acomba system.
- To copy your data to an electronic spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel, generate a report on screen, click the Paper/Spreadsheet Mode or select the Operation menu, then Mode.
- Once you’ve selected the data to transfer, click the right mouse button and select Copy to spreadsheet.
- Open your electronic spreadsheet and paste your data using the CTRL + V keys.
- Transmit the inventory file to Locally via email, SFTP, URL, or Dropbox.
- SFTP: To push your file to us via SFTP, generate credentials from your locally.com account or contact Locally for assistance. Once you have the credentials, drop your file(s) in the folder and then notify [email protected]. Locally will link our system to poll this path several times per day and absorb any changes.
- Email: Every store location in our system has a unique email address assigned that inventory files can be sent to. View it in your locally.com account under "Email Method" here.
- Dropbox: Create a Dropbox folder and name it “Locally.” Share the folder with [email protected] and then notify [email protected]. Drop your file(s) in the folder. Locally will link our system to scan this folder several times per day and absorb any changes.
- URL: We can pick up a file at a URL. Note that we can also do this with, for example, a Google Product Feed. If Quantity On Hand isn’t available in this feed, our system would treat a UPC/EAN’s presence as QOH=1 and its absence as QOH=0. Note that we cannot work with .xml files at this time.
- Reach out to [email protected] and let us know that you have sent us your inventory. We will get your file connected on our end. In order to keep your inventory live on our site and brand partner sites we recommend uploading your store's updated inventory at least once every 24 hours.
If you are a Acomba user interested in an automated Acomba connection, please fill out the form here.