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Lightspeed Retail *Premier Connection*

PLEASE NOTE: These directions are for setting up a new integration only. If you are concerned about a connection that has already been set up and was previously live (e.g. you've received a stale inventory notification email, or you aren't seeing products in stock that should be), please contact us at [email protected]. Do not attempt the cloud setup wizard before contacting us. Thank you!

To set up a new Lightspeed R-Series integration with Locally:

  1. Log in to your Locally account

  2. On the left side menu, select Inventory > Inventory Feed Setup

  3. Select "Locally POS Integrations," then click the button that says "Lightspeed Cloud setup"

  4. Follow the wizard's prompts, and you'll be live in minutes!

Our Lightspeed Cloud connection pulls inventory from your system once a day at midnight, so any updates made during the day will be reflected on Locally the next day.

To Enable Your In-Store Prices:

Locally can pull your price information from Lightspeed. To enable the display of your prices on Locally, simply open a ticket and let us know which price field (Default, MSRP, or Online) you'd like us to enable. Learn more about displaying your in-store prices on Locally.

Need help adding UPCs to your Lightspeed account? We can help! 

To edit existing items in your Lightspeed system go to Inventory > Quick Edit Items. Then enter the UPC value in the UPC section. You can check out Lightspeed's knowledge base article on this here

To add new items in Lightspeed follow the instructions here

You can upload new items to Lightspeed in bulk by following the instructions here

Pinarello dealers: Pinarello does not use UPCs, but you can enter the Pinarello "Part number" into the "Manufacturer SKU" field in Lightspeed and Locally will sync that so your in-stock Pinarello can display. 

Don't forget that you can access all of our catalog data, including UPCs, in your Locally account here

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