We are excited to offer an automated inventory connection with Shopify using the Data Export app! Please follow the instructions below to get set up.
Data Export is a paid service, but we are happy to offer a lifetime 20% discount off Data Export's monthly fee. Plans start at $7. To claim your discount, email or live-chat the code "Locally23" to Data Export here: dataexport.io/contact. Data Export offers 24/7 support, be sure to contact them if you need help.
How to sync your inventory to Locally with Data Export:
- Install the Data Export application on Shopify
- Send the code Locally23 to Data Export here: dataexport.io/contact
- Retrieve your unique email address in your Locally account under "Email Method" here
- Select the Inventory on Hand Report from the pre-created reports
- Schedule your report to run automatically
- Report format: CSV
- Attachment type: File
Required Fields:
UPC (Universal Product Code) or EAN (European Article Number)
Quantity on Hand (The number of units currently available in your inventory)
- Multi-location retailers:
- Include a "Location" field in your report to specify the location of each item.
- Alternatively, send one report per location with a separate file for each store.
We are excited to offer an automated inventory connection with Shopify using the Feed Donkey app! Please follow the instructions below to get set up.
Pricing and PlansMerchants using Shopify will pay for Feed Donkey on a monthly SaaS (software as a service) basis through a Shopify App Store recurring charge. The amount you pay depends upon the size of your product database and how frequently you need feed data refreshing. Plans start at $8.99.
Learn more about Feed Donkey here.
Inventory Feed Requirements
To ensure a smooth connection between your Shopify store and Locally, your inventory feed must adhere to the following criteria:
- Required Fields:
- UPC (Universal Product Code) or EAN (European Article Number)
- Quantity on Hand (The number of units currently available in your inventory)
- Price
- Accepted File Types:
- .CSV
- .TXT
- .XLX
Feed Donkey Templates
Feed Donkey has created Locally inventory feed templates that you can share with us via URL. The inventory feed will update every 24 hours by default. More frequent updates are available for purchase.
Connection Setup
Once you have created your inventory feed URL, send the URL to us at support@locally.com and we will get your inventory feed connected.
We are excited to offer an automated inventory connection with Shopify using the Matrixify app! Matrixify is a paid subscription, check it out here. Please follow the instructions below to get set up. If you have any questions about the Matrixify app, please reach out to support@matrixify.app.
Need a visual guide? Check out the Matrixify video walkthrough before diving into the written steps: https://youtu.be/rEOP29vinU8 (While helpful, these written instructions are the most up-to-date method).
Inventory Report Criteria
Required Fields:
- UPC (Universal Product Code) or EAN (European Article Number)
- Quantity on Hand (The number of units currently available in your inventory)
- Price
- Include a "Location" field in your report to specify the location of each item.
- Alternatively, send one report per location with a separate file for each store.
- .CSV
- .TXT
- .XLX
Report Naming:
Please name your inventory report file "Locally_Inventory".
Setting Up Your Inventory Connection
- Generate SFTP credentials in your Locally account here.
- Set Up Your Server in Matrixify
- Open the Matrixify app and navigate to Settings.
- In the Servers section, create a new server to store your user credentials. You can use either password or private key authentication.
- Replace "@" with "%40" if usernames contain email symbols.
- Create a New Export
- Once your server is set up, go to the Matrixify app Home page.
- In the Export section, create a new export.
- Choose your desired export format and data (refer to the Matrixify "How it Works" page for details).
- Set file name to: "Locally_Inventory" and we can only accept .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .txt file types.
- Configure Export Options for SFTP Upload
- Define how your export will run in the export options.
- Use the Repeat every and Schedule on options to set the initial export time and repetition frequency.
- Set as often as the file should be synced to Locally, for example, Repeat every 1 hour
- In the Upload to dropdown, select the previously created server.
- Enter the folder path for the app to upload the data in the Path field.
- Alternatively, Uploading via Full URL:
- If your server isn't set up in Matrixify, choose Full URL and enter the complete SFTP URL.
- The URL format should include user credentials and the file path: sftp://username:password@ftp.locally.com:2022
- Start Your Export!
- Once everything is configured, click the Export button in the app to initiate the process.
- Upon completion, the file will be uploaded to your specified SFTP server folder.
- The Matrixify app's All Jobs page displays all your past, running, and scheduled import/export jobs.
- Email support@locally.com to let us know that you have shared an inventory file via SFTP.