Tallysoft *Premier Connection*

Tallysoft has a Locally connector that allows you to effortlessly share inventory with Locally. Here's what's included in the feed we receive: [UPC, quantity on hand, price, store ID]. If you haven't already, go ahead and claim your Locally account. Here's how you can do that: locally.com/for/retailers 

Once you have the SFTP credentials generated, enter them into the {Your User Name} and {Your SFTP Password} as shown below. You can customize the posting frequency, which stores to include, and which brands to send stock for. You can also opt-out of sending prices, if you choose. We advise including prices, all stores, and all vendors. 

Final Step: Email [email protected] with the subject line "TallySales inventory feed - Review". Please be sure to include your store names and the IDs associated with them in the email. 

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