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Microsoft AX

We are actively seeking retailers to help us make Microsoft AX a "Premier Connection." If you use this system, please contact us today!

To get started with Microsoft AX:

  1. Generate an On-Hand Inventory Report by navigating to the Inventory menu and selecting Reports, then On-Hand, then On-Hand Inventory;
  2. Filter the data in the report to include only the UPC, Quantity on hand, and Location (for multiple stores) by selecting only those parameters when you generate the report
  3. You may also optionally add a Price field to this report if your store's prices differ from the brand's recommended price
  4. Click Destinations, then select Email from the Print Destination Settings form
  5. In the To field, enter your store's unique Locally inventory email. View it in your locally.com account under Email Method here
  6. In the File Format field, select one of the following accepted file formats: .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .txt
  7. In the Page Range field, select the full report to be emailed
  8. Click OK to close the Print Destination Settings form
  9. Select the Batch tab to configure this report to be generated automatically
  10. Select the Batch Processing check box
  11. Click Recurrence and select a frequency of at least once per day, but up to once per hour
  12. Click OK to close the Recurrence form, then OK again to complete the form, and you're all set to share your inventory with Locally!

For more help getting started with Microsoft AX, Microsoft's website offers offers the following instructions for generating the On-Hand Inventory report, filtering the data on a report, and scheduling a report to be emailed on a recurring basis

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