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Retailer Participation Reports

Your Locally Dashboard gives you access to the following info: your dealers who have claimed their Locally account, who is sharing inventory, which stores are allowing transactions, and more.

Log in to your Locally account and head to your dashboard. You'll see two reports available for download on the right side of your screen, alongside a few helpful graphs.

|     | Download Inventory Report - This report shows the dealers that are actively sharing inventory data for your brand. In the downloaded spreadsheet, columns I and J show whether dealers are accepting holds or purchase orders (respectively). Column L indicates whether a dealer is set up to receive Ship to Store orders. Column M indicates whether a retailer has been authorized ("1") or has not yet been authorized ("0"). This column can be useful to identify retailers that may need authorization! Please note: if a retailer's feed is stale it will not show on this report.

|     | Download Retailer Participation Report - This report provides details about each of your dealer's participation, such as account claim status, live inventory status, Buy It Locally participation, and more. This is the same report available to download from your Dealer List Manager, conveniently at your fingertips on your main dashboard! Here are further details about these metrics.

|     | Dealers Sharing Inventory - The total number of authorized dealers actively sharing inventory data for your brand.

|     | Dealers Claimed their Locally Profile - Your brand's authorized dealers who have claimed their Locally profiles.

|     | Dealers Enrolled in Buy It Locally - Your brand's authorized dealers who are participating in Buy It Locally.

There is often a discrepancy between the Inventory Report and the retailers listed as having inventory in the Retailer Participation Report. This could be due to a few reasons:

  1. The retailer is an authorized dealer for your brand and they're actively sharing inventory with Locally, but your brand's products aren't in their daily report.
  2. The retailer hasn't updated their inventory feed in the last three days.

In either case, these retailers are excellent targets for a brief follow up as they have already done the hard part! All they need to do now is update their inventory feed or include your brand's products in their feed.

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