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Locally's White Label Implementation Solution

With Locally's White Label implementation level, your brand can utilize Locally’s Product Locator tools and "Buy It Locally" ordering platform with all Locally co-branding removed, plus customization opportunities for shopper communications, domain controls, and the utilization of your branding (colors, fonts) throughout.

With White Label, you can utilize some or all of these features. If a particular feature is not needed for your implementation, you can skip any section or sub-section.

Product Locator modal

With White Label, we'll remove any mention of "Locally" in the Product Locator modal and replace it with your branding. You can also customize the text shoppers see when adding products to the Cart.   

Locally will: 

  • Remove all "Powered by Locally" co-branding from your Product Locator modal, cart and checkout 
  • Upload your logo into the modal 

You will:

  • Provide any "custom cart text" you want the shopper to see during check-out 

Order Emails

With White Label, you can customize the order emails that are sent to shoppers after they place an order in the following ways: 

  • You can override the default Locally colors, font and logo in with your brand's 
  • You can customize the copy used in the emails
  • You can send these from an email address you provide, so the email is "from" your brand and not Locally

Locally will:

  • Apply your branding (colors, fonts, logo) to Locally emails

You will:

  • Choose an email address Locally should send order notifications to shoppers from and provide us with SMTP credentials for this email address
  • Customize the email templates that are sent to shoppers. Your implementation manager will provide you with templates based on the order types you offer for you to edit with your own copy. 

Order Screens

With White Label, you can customize the order screens that shoppers use to track and manage their order in the following ways:

  • You can override the default Locally colors and fonts with your brand's
  • You can style any buttons to match your brand's style guide
  • You can override Locally's header with a simplified branded header
  • You can provide copy for a custom content area in the footer to provide additional details to shoppers
  • You can launch the order screens on a domain you provide, so the order screens launch on your site and not 

Locally will: 

  • Apply your branding (colors, fonts, button styles) to order screens to match your branding
  • Create and install a simplified branded header 

You will:

  • Provide a domain Locally should launch the order screens on, and follow the instructions we provide to redirect this domain to Locally's servers via a CNAME redirect
  • Approve an SSL certificate for this domain
  • Provide any custom text, instructions, etc. you want to include to shoppers in the custom content footer area

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