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How to access files in Google Cloud

If you receive files from Locally via a Google Cloud Storage "bucket" (Google's version of a 'folder'), your files can be accessed in several ways based on what works best for you and your company. 


1. S/FTP: We can create dedicated S/FTP credentials so you can access and download files from your bucket via S/FTP.

2. Google Cloud Console: You can access your bucket through the web-based Google Cloud Console, which provides a user-friendly web interface. To login, provide Locally with an email address associated with a Google account.

3. Cloud Storage Client Libraries: Google provides client libraries for various programming languages, such as Java, Python, Node.js, Go, and .NET. These libraries allow partners to interact with the bucket programmatically from various applications.

4. gsutil Command-Line Tool: The `gsutil` tool is a Python-based command-line interface for Cloud Storage. 

5. Cloud Storage JSON API: You can directly interact with the Cloud Storage JSON API using HTTP requests. This allows you to perform operations like creating, listing, updating, and deleting buckets and objects programmatically. Instructions are here.

6. Cloud Storage XML API: Similar to the JSON API, the Cloud Storage XML API allows you to interact with Cloud Storage using XML-based requests over HTTP.

7. Cloud Storage Transfer Service: This service enables partners to export data from Cloud Storage to other cloud storage providers or on-premises environments.

8. Cloud Storage FUSE: Cloud Storage FUSE (File System in Userspace) allows partners to mount a Cloud Storage bucket as a file system on their local machines, making it accessible like a regular directory.

9. Third-Party Tools and Libraries: Various third-party tools and libraries, such as the `rclone` command-line tool, provide additional interfaces and functionality for working with Cloud Storage buckets.

10. Google Cloud Storage Proxy: This proxy service allows you to access Cloud Storage buckets securely from applications running outside of Google Cloud, without the need for public IP addresses or firewall configuration.

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